LASHARE Approach

The LASHARE Approach consists of three elements:



in a highly innovative environment



in cooperation with competent partners



your knowledge and benefit from a trong network

European Impact

The LASHARE project is very well aligned and supports the various European socioeconomic targets including the Europe 2020 objectives, Innovation Union, Digital Europe, FP7 and the current work programmee EU Horizon 2020.

The LASHARE project results will particularly support the Europe 2020 flagships “Innovation Union” and “Digital Agenda for Europe” and add to the Photonics21 agenda.

LASHARE focuses on the Innovation Union aims to close the gap between science and the market by helping the LASHARE partners to accelerate the market readiness of their products and services.

LASHARE will contribute to many aspects of these two flagships with its objective to deliver a full set of new applications and technologies from the lab to industrial application and a robust assessment framework for accelerated transfer of innovation from the lab to industry.